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We have come to expect discomfort and pain in our lives, in particular in our interactions with others; whether it be family conflict, emotional reactivity in intimate relationships, negotiating agreements with housemates, giving and receiving feedback at work, struggling to make progress in meetings, or trying to relate to that person who you just can’t bear to hear another word from. 

And on top of this, we tend to find just as much conflict within ourselves.

As common as it is, this is not a prerequisite of being human. 
We can choose another way to live; to shift from conditioned reactions based on scarcity, separation and powerlessness to conscious responses based on trust, connection and inner power.


During these challenging times, it's becoming increasingly important that we can work together, live together, love together. We need to become resilient, to be able to weather these storms; together.

It could be that our survival depends on it.


And, at the same time, we can shift our attention from barely surviving to truly thriving. By exploring our own and each other's reactions, patterns, feelings, desires and longings, we shift our focus to how to make all our lives and the world around us more wonderful.


This program offers skills, practical tools and insights to support these shifts; to deepen, enrich and transform all of our relationships, whether with loved ones, colleagues or ourselves. 


We will learn and practice skills in: 

  • Conscious Communication 

  • Personal and Relational Healing

  • Efficient Collaboration 

  • Shared Leadership

  • Community/Team Building

  • Cultural Transformation

Tradução em Português disponível: mediante solicitação.

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Join as many as you like from the 8 trainings days.

All: 10:00 - 17:30


Click the TITLES below for descriptions



A Foundation Training In Nonviolent Communication (NVC)



The Art of Effective Listening


Ask for What you Want and Say ‘No’ to What you Don’t

with Courage, Clarity and Care



Life Changing Practices for Deeper Clarity, Purpose & Self-Connection



Uncover the Hidden Gifts of Judgement, Reactivity and Anger



Transform Personal, Relational & Group Tension



A Foundation Training in Sociocracy:

Shared Leadership & Consent Decision Making 



Essential Group Process, Leadership & Facilitation Skills 


Lead trainer Donal Gannon, certified with the Centre for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC), brings over 20 years experience facilitating groups, and draws from a variety of modalities for this program (see below). 


"Donal is one of the best teachers I know, really coming from the heart and bringing huge experience, and he lives what he teaches too.


His NVC trainings take you beyond techniques and deep into human connection, empathy, and living more beautifully. There's always lots of laughter, wonderful people and a real life-enhancing magic at them


Anyone who wants better relationships, more freedom to give and receive what you truly want, great boundaries, ease in love and connection, and skills to shift conflict into healing and closeness, I highly suggest going to this! "​

 - David Rock - 

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Donal will be assisted by a team of inspiring and loving leaders, each bringing a unique skillset and experience.

They will each be available to support you for all (or most) of the program. 


Hari Alexandra

Relational Healing Facilitator

Donal Gannon

Certified NVC Trainer,

Consultant, Coach

Marina Cervelati

Community Co-Creator

Lieke Van Leent

NVC Group Facilitator,

Coach, Mediator

For more information about

  • The general content of the training days

  • Supplementary practice & support options

  • Pricing

  • Venue

  • Timings and Food

  • Accommodation

  • Age range


Currently n/a

Stay up to date in South Portugal

We use a Telegram group to notify the local network (and anyone who wants to come and join it) about trainings and retreats we will offer around here, or occasionally longer events that we can travel to.


We'd love you to join us.


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