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Ever wish that there was an easy way to relieve the tension in a relationship, whether with loved ones colleagues or ourselves? create some breathing space to reconnect with yourself and then each other? get 'un-stuck' when every word seems to be digging a deeper hole in your connection? find ways to make those challenging interactions more enjoyable and productive? have some insights on what you can do in any of these situations?


This training is a comprehensive response.


We use individual and group processes, games and exercises to explore:


  • The 4 habitual conflict styles: Avoidance, Confrontation, Passivity and Passive Aggression


  • Connecting and effective ways to respond to 'Hard-to-hear messages'


  • Dissolve enemy images


  • How to move 'the problem' from in between us by reuniting with shared purpose, values, and commitment to finding a solution that works for everyone. From that stance we can look at and hold 'the problem' together so its no longer between us, but in both our hands, thus allowing co-created solutions to our 'shared dilemma'​


We will learn and practice several options for responding to any kind of interpersonal tension.

Each aims to restore peace and goodwill and to support transformation, learning and productive forward action.



The practices range from least to most human resources (time, people, energy, attention, etc) required, and so provide a simple 'Menu' to choose from in the moments when we can't think straight:

  • Self-connection


  • Supportive presence from someone not directly involved (in particular empathic listening)


  • Direct dialogue with someone with whom you are experiencing tension or conflict 


  • Supported dialogue - a third party contributes their presence as needed to support reconciliation, from silent witnessing to active facilitation (mediation) 


  • Group process - If the tension has more intensity or relevance for multiple people. Here, we will focus, on a simple yet profound process called 'Restorative Circles'.



Prior attendance of ‘Communicate to Connect’ and/or ‘Empathy Essentials’ is supportive but not necessary.

Previous Participants:


Thank you Donal for bringing these tools, especially the element of reflection - mutual comprehension - which makes sure that words aren't twisted and opposed outside of the way they were intended to, but instead really heard and understood.


Thank you for holding space and facilitating so beautifully" 
- Viodor - 



"I strongly recommend this training to anyone who wants to cultivate their capacity for meaningful connection (both with oneself and others).


Donal is an exceptional teacher, facilitator and space holder.


I found the material and techniques very accessible and his creative, practical approach enabled me to embody the principles in a profoundly transformative way.


Feeling very grateful and nourished by the level of heart felt connection I experienced"
- Laurel Flynn - 



"A big thank you for the quality of your teachings. I can feel your generosity in sharing, and it clearly comes from a place of true love and authenticity.


Congratulations for your transmission skills, it's a good mix between theory, embodiment, and fun. Also appreciated the way you've been handling the group dynamic… thanks for the tool box I now have"

- Nathalie Gualdaroni - 

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